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    Partnership for state MGMA education calendar


    State MGMA and MGMA

    • Minimize competition among states and between MGMA and state affiliates


    State MGMA

    • Provide state educational event information as soon as it is available to MGMA staff
    • Monitor MGMA’s education calendar for conflicts and other concerns
    • Abide by scheduling rules outlined in the State Affiliation Agreement


    • Provide and manage a web-based calendar through the MGMA website
    • Notify states regarding national programs in their area as soon as it is available, in accordance with the State Affiliation Agreement
    • Abide by scheduling rules and monitor calendar for accuracy


    In 2008, a group of state leaders met with MGMA staff to discuss a communication plan that would be mutually beneficial and would provide both organizations with accurate and complete program scheduling information. A procedure was created not in order for MGMA to gain permission from the states to bring national programming to the state’s area, but to create mutual understanding of potential conflicts and collaborative opportunities for marketing and overall program and association success for both organizations.


    The guidelines for notifying MGMA about state programming are outlined in the State Affiliation Agreement between state MGMAs and MGMA. In the event that an affiliated state organization does not wish to list its programs on the State MGMA Education Calendar (to which there is no obligation), MGMA will still notify those states if it is considering locations in their area for national education programs but will not be bound by the policy regarding possible conflicts.

    You can find the MGMA Conference schedule here. MGMA will notify states specifically for the following programs,during the hotel request-for-proposals process:

    • MGMA Leaders Conference
    • MGMA Regional Conferences
    • Other MGMA conferences as they may be developed

    After the hotel contract has been signed:

    • MGMA Annual Conference/Medical Practice Excellence Conference


    Please submit state education calendar additions via email to the MGMA Membership team at


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