Article submissions should be sent to

Author expectations
An article submission should contain one or more of the following:
- Practical advice and thought-provoking information for practice administrators and physician executives
- Case studies that outline how medical group practices implemented new processes
- High-level expertise or opinions about the state or future of the healthcare industry
- Credible data presented in charts and graphs
- Information presented in concise formats, such as checklists and bulleted lists
- Articles for MGMA publications are submitted voluntarily and for no remuneration.
- ACMPE Board Certification and Fellowship Contribution Benefits
- MGMA author contributions may be submitted towards ACMPE Fellowship volunteer requirements. Volunteering with MGMA is per hour. All volunteer opportunities completed with MGMA are healthcare related.
- Qualifying MGMA author contributions may be submitted towards ACMPE Fellowship submission requirements, including published articles, books, and speaking engagements.
- Developed content used for MGMA will count towards ACMPE Continuing Education based on hour per hour towards earning and maintaining ACMPE Board Certification and Fellowship.
- ACMPE Board Certification and Fellowship Contribution Benefits
Author guidelines
- Articles must be objective and nonpromotional. MGMA publications do not permit promotional listings of vendor or product names in editorial copy.
- Articles must be unique and not previously published in print or as digital articles.
- Most articles require at least 800 words to properly address a topic. Our editors recommend article drafts between 1,000 and 2,300 words, though longer word counts are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Visuals/imagery, citations and addenda guidelines
- Tables/charts/figures: Tabular data and diagrams/charts should have editable text. Separate attachments (e.g., Excel and PowerPoint files) are acceptable. Clearly label each chart, graph, table or other illustration.
- Author bio and photo: Please include each author's name, academic degrees, credentials, job title, company or institution, as well as email address or website URL. Each author will need to submit a photo. (For articles appearing in print, digital photos must be at least 300 dpi at roughly 1 inch wide in a standard headshot framing.)
- Citations: Provide references for facts or figures used in your article unless they come from your own experience. Footnote a citation in the body of the text and provide the complete reference at the end of the article.
- MGMA prefers National Library of Medicine style for footnotes. Include author name(s), article title, publication, year, volume, issue and page numbers.
- (For example: Smith C, Jones W, Davis, R. "Article title in quotation." Publication title in italics." Date. URL if applicable.)
- For online references, provide the entire URL. Please do not use the automatic footnote feature in Microsoft Word.
- Photographs: When submitting photographs to accompany the article, please provide captions and photographer credits, when applicable.
Article review/editing
- An article may be reviewed by the MGMA Publications Advisory group. The panel's recommendations are instrumental in the decision to accept an article, request a revised draft or reject it. An editor will contact you if substantial revisions or clarifications are needed.
- Articles published contain the expressed opinions and experiences of the authors and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of MGMA. An editor's note to this effect may be included with opinion pieces or articles that deal with sensitive topics.
What to expect if your article is accepted
- Authors will receive initial editor notes and suggested edits prior to layout (typically within 2-3 weeks of submission).
- Authors will receive a "sneak peek" PDF of their article after layout for review prior to publication.
After publication
- All MGMA Connection magazine authors will receive one hard copy of the issue in which their article appears, along with information on requesting an electronic reprint PDF.
- MGMA Connection magazine is a member-benefit publications, and most articles are published digitally behind a member wall. If you would like to view your article online but are not a member, learn more about the benefits of MGMA membership.
Contact us
- To submit or propose an article: Email or call toll-free 877.275.6462, ext. 1217.
- To request an article reprint: Visit the E-Prints Terms and Conditions page.
- To advertise in an MGMA publication: Learn more from MGMA Marketing Solutions.
- To update your mailing address for MGMA Connection magazine: Contact the MGMA Service Center – 303.799.1111 ext. 1888 between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mountain Time, Monday through Thursday, or 7 a.m. to noon on Fridays, or email
- All other correspondence: Email or mail to MGMA, c/o Chris Harrop, 104 Inverness Terrace East, Englewood, CO 80112.