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    Every health system wants the same thing — providers who will be a long-term fit for their organization. Providers who won't just take the job, they’ll put down roots. There is a way to find your ideal candidates while saving time, stress and cost: Enlist the help of a well-connected healthcare recruiting company.

    At Provider Solutions & Development (PS&D), our goal is to help our partners find the right match and, in turn, reduce turnover and build healthier communities. Recruitment Manager Kyle Travers says our success is grounded in our decades of experience and in our strong partnerships with mission-aligned organizations. He pinpoints the relationships we build as our biggest differentiator.

    “We get to know both our partners and our candidates on a deep level, and I think that’s why we’re able to make such great matches,” Kyle says. “It’s that care and attention that goes into every hire on the front end that pays dividends in the long-term. We take the time to learn about their values, interests and strengths so we can find the best mutual fit.”

    It’s because of this holistic approach to recruiting, our network and our core values that we are able to help our partners hire and retain top-tier talent.

    Want to know more about how PS&D finds the ideal candidates for your healthcare system? Check out the full article. Want to discuss provider recruitment solutions with our partner development team? Start the conversation today.


    • Recruiting top physicians and advanced practice clinicians (APCs) is tough — with a projected shortage of 124,000 physicians by 2034, it’s only going to get more challenging. Join us for our free webinar, "5 Key Strategies to Succeed in Physician and APC Recruitment," as Provider Solutions & Development’s CEO Rachelle Daugherty shares key strategies for successful provider recruitment, including reaching a more diverse candidate pool, engaging residents and leveraging digital outreach.

    About Provider Solutions & Development 

    Provider Solutions & Development is a community of experts founded within Providence, a purpose-driven, 51-hospital health system, out of a clear need to reinvent provider recruitment. Today we’re partnered with 100+ integrated delivery systems, hospitals and medical groups across the country. We’re not focused on quotas and we don’t work on commission. Through relentless innovation and partner-tailored solutions, we’ve created a holistic, personalized provider recruitment experience. It’s why our providers don’t just take the job, they put down roots.

    Learn how Provider Solutions & Development can help you recruit physicians and APCs better, faster and for good.

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