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    By attending the conference, attendees can qualify for up to the following credit totals: 

    ACMPE: 8 | ACHE: 8 | PDC: 8

    Types of Available Credits 

    The following credit types will be available for registrants who complete the conference session evaluations: 

    • ACMPE, medical practice administrators in certification and Fellowship through ACMPE 
    • ACHE, American College of Healthcare Executives Qualified Education 
    • PDC, professional development credits offered on behalf of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 

    American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE):

    The credits earned for this content are “live” credits, issued for participation and attendance in a new, original event, with the opportunity for participation.

    American College of HealthCare Executives (ACHE):

    By attending the Washington MGMA & Oregon MGMA 2025 Annual Conference offered by the Medical Group Management Association, participants may earn up to 7 ACHE Qualified Education Hours toward initial certification or recertification of the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) designation.

    One ACHE credit is earned for every 60 minutes of educational content, rounded down to the nearest 0.25.

    Professional Development Credit (PDC):

    MGMA is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM- CP® or SHRM-SCP®.

    Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

    The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) requires instructors, planners, managers, and other individuals who are able to control the content of this activity to disclose any real or apparent conflict of interest (COI) they may have as related to the content of this activity. All identified COIs are thoroughly vetted and resolved according to MGMA policy. The existence or absence of COI for everyone in a position to control content will be disclosed to participants prior to the start of each activity.

    Attendees will self report ACMPE and ACHE credits, certificates are only necessary when obtaining PDC credits.

    Questions related to claiming CEUs?

    Please contact Natalie Wolpert (Meeting Manager, MGMA State Chapters) for more information.

    Ask MGMA
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