If allowing remote work is part of your strategy, managing remote work is a skill you must master. This step-by-step guide will allow you to pick and choose strategies to try. The playbook covers:
- Communication and Engagement. How to establish and maintain clear communication channels and protocols.
- Productivity and Performance Tracking. How to choose a few key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure remote performance.
- Technology and Infrastructure. How to determine what kind of technology will help remote employees connect compliantly to the rest of the team and, if necessary, patients, payers, and other vendors.
- Work-life Balance and Boundaries. How to empower employees to avoid bad outcomes at either end of the spectrum: time wastage and low productivity to overwork and burnout.
- Company Culture and Onboarding. How to ensure that remote workers are an equally valued, appreciated, and engaged part of the team.
- Compliance and Legal Considerations. How to stay abreast of laws and regulations governing remote work.
The MGMA Recruitment Channels playbook also includes recommendations and links to relevant services, tools, and additional perspectives.