ACMPE Practice Exam
Online Course
Non-Member Price$135.00
Member Price$95.00
Available Credits
- ACMPE: 6.00
- CEU: 6.00
The following exam is to be used as an example of the ACMPE Board Certification Examinations. The following items are not active items on the examinations but provide insight into the feel of the testing formats and general content areas tested on.
Please use content to further learn about the Body of Knowledge versus memorizing to best use this resource in preparing for the exams.
The testing formats include:
Multiple choice — A 175-item test
- This exam assesses your knowledge of group practice management principles and practices as described in the Body of Knowledge for Medical Practice Management.
Scenario — 90 items of multi-select, multiple choice questions pertaining to 18-25 practice administration scenarios.
- This exam assesses in-depth knowledge of medical practice management principles and issues, problem-solving and decision-making skills.
Questions are linked to resources that can be used for further study.
The assessment can be taken more than once to track your knowledge development.
Use the assessment to:
- Identify your core strengths
- Prepare for the board certification exams
- Assess your staff’s strengths and development opportunities
This exam differs from the real Board Certification exams in a few ways:
- This exam has a 6-hour time limit for BOTH exams together vs. two separate exams, 3hrs 15min for multiple choice and 2 hours for scenario-based.
- This exam pulls from a large exam bank versus based on percentage of each domain. For the percentage of each domain tested on in both exams, please see the certification tab.
- The real multiple choice exam groups domains together.
- In the scenario-based section of this exam, questions and scenarios are pulled randomly, in order to expose you to the most scenarios possible. On the real exam, you will see a scenario and then answer 3-4 questions about that scenario together, with a bit less reading since the sets stay together but can cover multiple domains.
Continuing Education
Delivery method: Self-paced study
Learning Level: Intermediate
Learning Format: Traditional
Advance preparation: None
Duration: Approximately 6 hours between both exams
Claiming Credit: If you wish to claim continuing education credit, you must complete the entire practice exam in order to meet the interactivity requirement required by accrediting organizations. This Practice Exam is worth 6 credit hours, to be claimed once.
- ACMPE, medical practice administrators in certification and Fellowship through ACMPE
- CEU, generic continuing education credit
For detailed continuing education credit information, click here.
Technical Details
The ACMPE Practice Exam consists of 175 multiple choice questions and 90 scenario-based questions developed from the six knowledge domains identified in the Body of Knowledge for Medical Practice Management, 4th Edition.
The questions provide a specific introduction into the full scope of the medical practice management profession and can be used as an aid in preparation for ACMPE Multiple Choice and Scenario-based Examinations.
Accessing the Assessment
The ACMPE Practice Exam will be available at your MGMA account and Access Online Education link.
It can be taken more than once to track your knowledge development through your certification preparation.
*Each instance of the assessment must be completed within 6 hours.
Who should participate?
- Members studying for the ACMPE certification exams
- New/Intermediate practice managers/administrators