Ohio MGMA Chapter Service Center
Need assistance with inquiries related to:
- Ohio chapter events
- Ohio state membership
- Ohio chapter sponsorships
Phone: (216) 293-4913
Email: statechapters@MGMA.com
Send your news to us at: statechapters@mgma.com
Hours: Monday- Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm ET
On Fridays from Memorial Day- Labor Day, the office closes at 2:30 ET
National MGMA Service Center
Need assistance or have questions about National MGMA membership, products, checkout process or any of MGMA's services?
Phone: 877.275.6462 ext. 1888
Email: service@mgma.com
Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:00am - 5:00pm MT and Friday 7:00am - 12:00pm MT