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    MGMA Stat - Infrastructure secure against attacks - July 11, 2017

    Medical Group Management Association’s MGMA Stat poll asked healthcare professionals if their organization’s information technology infrastructure was secure. The majority (55 percent) felt their infrastructure was secure while another 15 percent described they were working on the problem. Only 15 percent stated they thought their organizations were vulnerable to a cyber attack.

    When asked if their organizations had ever experienced a cyber-attack, 30 percent stated that an attack was attempted while 54 percent indicated they had not been attacked. Comments from respondents included, “we had ransomware and our IT guys were able to isolate it,” “It was diverted due to our security measures,” and, most telling, “We survived a ransom-ware attack and didn't have to pay, used our back up tapes and were fine. I feel safe but I also know we are all vulnerable.”

    The poll was conducted on July 11, 2017 with 1,249 total responses. Of this total, 13 indicated the question was not applicable to their situation with a net of 1,223 applicable responses.

    MGMA Stat is a national poll that addresses practice management topics, the impact of new legislation, and related topics. Participation is open to all healthcare professionals. Results of other polls and information on how to participate in MGMA Stat is available at:

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