The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), requires that all corporations, large and small, have a safe work environment for their employees. The OSH Act, 1970, (Occupational and Safety Health Act) Sec 5, 1 requires that all employers have a work environment that is free from recognized hazards that will cause or likely to cause serious harm or death. It requires all employers and employees to comply with the OSH Act. Are the MGMA regional physician practices ready for such a review of their safety practices if OSHA were to perform an on-site visit? The objective of this paper is to determine if the practices that responded to the survey tool are OSHA compliant and ready for an on-site inspection at their location. The results of the survey tool will provide a good indication for practice readiness, opportunities for education, potential risk, and improvement for practice management. The focus of OSHA is safety for employees.
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