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    2024 Single Specialty Report Colon and Rectal Surgery








    ACS and MGMA have partnered to deliver surgical specialty reports including salary and productivity information that you can use to stay informed on the market. This 2024 report based on 2023 data includes total compensation, physician collections for professional charges, work RVUs, total RVUs, and compensation to work RVUs ratio. Information is displayed nationally for all practices, as well as broken out by geographic section (eastern, midwest, southern, western) and practice ownership (physician- and hospital/IDS-owned.) Specialties include Surgery: Colon and Rectal.

    This report is intended for members of the American College of Surgeons. By purchasing a surgical specialty report, you agree that data will be used by the purchasing member for personal purposes, and data will not be used for other individuals or organizations outside of the purchaser. Misuse of data may result in damages owed to MGMA. Need data for other physicians in your organization? Please contact MGMA at about purchasing a data license for your group.

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