2024 Member Benefit Data Report
Member PriceFREE
MGMA actively seeks to bolster the value of your membership. As a way to expand your resources for practice management excellence, we’ve given you access to select benchmarking data derived from our industry-renowned MGMA DataDive data sets. Data included in this document are listed below and allow you to compare against your own and discover areas of improvement or where you're excelling.
- Provider Specialty Roll-Ups (Primary Care, Surgical, Non-Surgical Specialists)
- Physician Executive, Executive Management, Senior Management and General Management Roll-Ups
Providing you with the following at the Median (50th percentile benchmark):
- Total Compensation
- Total Support Staff FTE physician
- Total Operation Cost per FTE physician
Where does this data come from, and why is it important?
We hold an annual Data Collection, where we gather key metrics from medical practices, healthcare organizations and professionals across various specialties and compile them into navigable data sets. The insights derived provide valuable information for strategic decision-making.
Like what you're seeing? Access even more data when you participate in Data Collection by February 21.
Participate in MGMA DataDive Data Collection by February 21, 2025 to gain additional access to subspecialty and job position benchmarking data, including breakouts by organization type and geographic region. These essential reports will be available to you as soon as they are released this summer — but only if you participate in data collection now!
Visit mgma.com/datacollection to learn more and get started now!
Want full access? MGMA DataDive is a powerful benchmarking data tool for understanding how your practice measures up.
We hope you find great value in this new, member-exclusive report. For full access to datasets and analysis, check out MGMA DataDive.