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    John Rezen
    John Rezen, MBA, MHA, FACHE, LSSBB

    The following 12-part series is focused on optimizing medical group financial performance. Each brief in this series takes two to three minutes to read and identifies specific actions medical groups can take to achieve sustainable financial improvements.

    Please make an opportunity to read these briefs and use this information to move forward in your quest for financial strength and sustainability. Review each part and identify areas where action can drive meaningful financial improvement. A comprehensive assessment of the six revenue and six expense improvement opportunities will provide a clear view of the total financial opportunity in your physician enterprise and serve as the basis for your financial improvement plan. For each area where performance falls short of expectations, a root cause analysis should be conducted to determine the most effective corrective actions. 

    Successful execution of improvements requires adopting an agile continuous improvement approach. Each month, actual performance should be compared to established standards, with an expectation that any deficiencies be addressed through a structured corrective action plan. To ensure accountability, managers should be actively mentored and their improvement efforts evaluated regularly. Monthly follow-ups should focus on tracking the progress, analyzing results and defining next steps if issues persist. 

    By fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement, organizations will develop more effective corrective strategies over time. As managers refine their understanding of the factors influencing performance, their ability to implement targeted solutions will improve — ultimately driving sustained financial and operational success.

    Contract rate negotiation

    Improving Contract Rates

    Effective payer contract negotiations are crucial for securing appropriate reimbursement and optimizing revenue for healthcare services.

    Insight Article

    Insurance revenue cycle management

    Effective revenue cycle management (RCM) is the backbone of financial stability for medical groups. By optimizing each step of the RCM process, from provider credentialing to claims management, medical groups can significantly improve their net collection rates and overall financial performance.

    Insight Article
    Personal Pay RCM

    Personal Pay Revenue Cycle Management

    Personal Pay Revenue Cycle Management is a critical component for optimizing the financial performance of medical groups. By focusing on patient financial responsibility, medical groups can significantly enhance their revenue collection processes. This document provides actionable insights and best practices for managing personal pay collections effectively.

    Insight Article
    Medical coding

    Improving wRVUs Per Encounter

    The first step in improving wRVUs per encounter is to assess your current performance. Begin by comparing your practice's wRVU per encounter to MGMA benchmarks for each specialty. If your practice is below the benchmark, it could be due to undercoding or inadequate documentation, or a lower service intensity compared to peers.

    Insight Article
    Provider productivity

    Optimizing Encounters Per Provider/Provider Production

    The primary focus here is on evaluating provider production by comparing encounter volumes and wRVU generation against industry benchmarks. By identifying encounter shortfalls and converting them into wRVU shortfalls, medical groups can calculate the potential revenue opportunities per provider.

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    Value-based care and population health

    Focusing on Value-Based Care and Population Health

    This article delves into the strategic approaches medical groups can adopt to enhance financial performance through value-based care and population health management. By exploring key CMS programs and reimbursement opportunities, readers will gain insights into optimizing preventive care, chronic disease management, and care coordination.

    Insight Article
    Medical receptionist/front desk/patient check-in

    Optimizing Non-Provider Staffing Levels

    Optimizing non-provider staffing levels is crucial for medical groups to achieve sustainable financial improvements. This article provides actionable steps to manage staffing levels effectively.

    Insight Article
    Non-Provider Payment Levels

    Non-Provider Staffing Payment Levels

    Discover effective strategies for managing and optimizing non-provider staffing expenses in medical groups.

    Insight Article
    Provider payment per wRVU

    Providers' Pay Per wRVU

    This article explores strategies for optimizing provider compensation through the pay per wRVU model to enhance financial performance in medical groups.

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    Service Costs to Revenue

    Examining Service Costs to Revenue

    Strategies to manage and reduce service costs for better financial performance

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    Supply and Drug Costs

    Improvements to Supply and Drug Costs

    This article explores effective strategies to reduce supply and drug costs in medical groups. By following these strategies, medical groups can achieve sustainable financial improvements.

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    Overhead costs

    Assessing and Managing Administrative (Overhead) Costs

    This brief explores strategies for managing and reducing administrative costs in medical groups. By actively managing these expenses, organizations can achieve sustainable financial improvements.

    Insight Article
    John Rezen

    Written By

    John Rezen, MBA, MHA, FACHE, LSSBB

    John Rezen, MBA, MHA, FACHE, LSSBB, Executive Consultant, Value Health, can be reached at

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