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    May 8, 2024

    The Honorable Sheldon Whitehouse The Honorable Chuck Grassley
    Chairman Ranking Member
    Senate Committee on Budget Senate Committee on Budget
    608 Dirksen Senate Office Building 608 Dirksen Senate Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20510


    Re: MGMA Testimony — “Reducing Paperwork, Cutting Costs: Alleviating Administrative Burdens in Health Care”

    Dear Chairman Whitehouse and Ranking Member Grassley:

    On behalf of our member medical group practices, the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) would like to thank the Committee for holding this important hearing on alleviating administrative burdens in healthcare. We appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback on this topic as the negative effects of onerous administrative burdens on medical groups are particularly acute.

    With a membership of more than 60,000 medical practice administrators, executives, and leaders, MGMA represents more than 15,000 medical group practices ranging from small private medical practices to large national health systems representing more than 350,000 physicians. MGMA’s diverse membership uniquely situates us to offer the following feedback regarding the impact of regulatory burden on small medical group practices.

    MGMA has long advocated that policymakers scale back regulatory burden for medical practices, arguing that these requirements divert time and resources away from delivering patient care. Yet, as indicated in MGMA’s annual regulatory burden surveys, the arduous requirements imposed on medical groups continue to rise, further impeding practices’ ability to ensure high-quality, timely patient care.

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