August 2, 2021
Richard W. Landen, MPH, MBA
Denise E. Love, BSN, MBA
Co-Chairs, National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS), Subcommittee on Standards
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, MD 20782-2002
Dear Co-Chairs Mr. Landen and Ms. Love,
The undersigned organizations representing the nation’s medical specialty societies write to express support for the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics’ (NCVHS) efforts to enhance the exchange of clinical and administrative data through their recommendations to the Secretary. Data interoperability enables clinicians to coordinate care among institutions and act based on comprehensive and current information. Interoperability also enables individual access to and ownership of health data. Interoperability is critical to safe, responsible, and transparent public health reporting and monitoring. Further, interoperability is also a key component in the Learning Health System and—when data are properly coded in consensus-based standards—makes the promise of the Quadruple Aim achievable.